There are four categories in the Chancellor's Awards The Chancellor’s Awards were first conferred in 2003 as a research award. Since then Awards for Teaching, Rising Star and Outstanding Contribution have been included. For the Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Contribution, the University seeks to honour a colleague who might be from any staff group (academic, professional services, technical or other, including in those in our subsidiary companies) whose outstanding contribution has delivered exceptional service and/or impact in supporting and serving the University community and mission, and consistently demonstrated the University’s Values set out in the University’s Strategy 2030, or who has made a demonstrable contribution to society - globally or locally. For the Chancellor’s Award for Research, the University seeks to honour a colleague who has enhanced the research reputation of the University through a particularly significant, world-leading contribution to the progress of research in the last 5 years, and/or whose outstanding research has made a demonstrable impact and contribution to society, globally or locally outside direct academic recognition. For the Chancellor’s Award for Teaching, the University seeks to honour a colleague who has recently enhanced the teaching reputation of the University, through a significant contribution to improving or invigorating student learning at any level. For the Rising Star Award, the University seeks to honour an early career colleague, including postdoc fellowship holders, appointed to the University in the last five years, who has not previously worked for more than five years in a similar broad discipline and who has in this time made a significant contribution in either teaching or research as described above. This article was published on 2024-10-07