Senior Leadership Team

The Senior Leadership Team comprises: Professor Sir Peter Mathieson, Principal; Professor Kim Graham, Provost; Vice-Principals Professor David Argyle, Professor Iain Gordon, Professor Sarah Prescott, Ms. Leigh Chalmers, Mr. Gavin McLachlan, Dr. Catherine Martin, Professor Colm Harmon, and Professor Christina Boswell; Mr. Nirmal Borkhataria.

Kim Graham holds a Personal Chair of Translational Cognitive Neuroscience and is the Provost.

David Argyle is the William Dick Chair of Veterinary Clinical Studies, Vice-Principal and Head of the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine.

Iain Gordon is Professor of Mathematics, Vice-Principal and Head of the College of Science and Engineering.

Sarah Prescott is Professor of English Literature and Vice-Principal and Head of the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

Leigh is Vice-Principal and University Secretary.

Gavin McLachlan is Vice-Principal and Chief Information Officer, and Librarian to the University.

Catherine Martin is Vice-Principal Corporate Services.

Christina Boswell is Professor of Politics and Vice-Principal Research and Enterprise.

Colm Harmon holds a personal chair in Applied Economics and is Vice-Principal Students.

Nirmal Borkhataria is the Interim Director of Finance.