Leigh is Vice-Principal and University Secretary. The University Secretary is Secretary to the University Court, the University’s governing body, and has overall responsibility for a range of central professional services. Areas of responsibility Secretary to the University Court, the University's governing body Overall management of the University Secretary's Group which comprises a range of central professional services including: communications and marketing, development and alumni, international engagement, student services, legal and information compliance, governance and strategic planning and student recruitment and admissions. University level committee membership Estates Committee Exception Committee Nominations Committee Policy and Resources Committee Senate (ex officio) Senior Leadership Team Staff Experience Committee University Executive University Secretary's Group home page Contact details Leigh can be contacted via her assistant Ruth Cooper (Ruth.Cooper@ed.ac.uk), on the telephone number below, or direct by email. Ms. Leigh Chalmers Vice-Principal and University Secretary University of Edinburgh University Secretary's Office Contact details Work: +44(0)131 6502090 Email: Leigh.Chalmers@ed.ac.uk Related link University Court home page This article was published on 2024-10-07