Colm Harmon holds a personal chair in Applied Economics and is Vice-Principal Students. Areas of responsibility as Vice-Principal StudentsStrategic responsibility for the University's commitment to the student experience Development of innovative approaches to all aspects of student satisfaction and experience, including curriculum development, and the nurturing of a high-performance culture in teaching and learningUniversity level committee membershipEquality, Diversity & Inclusion CommitteeEstates CommitteeEstates Committee Space Strategy Group (Chair)Knowledge Strategy Committee (Chair)Senate (es officio)Senate Education Committee (Chair)Senate/Court Joint Knowledge Strategy Committee (Chair)Senior Leadership TeamUniversity ExecutiveContact detailsColm can be contacted via his EA Angela Penman (email: Also contactable via Microsoft Teams or direct by email. Professor Colm Harmon Vice-Principal Students Contact details Work: +44 (0)131 650 6443 Email: This article was published on 2024-10-07